Thursday, 3 May 2012

What do you think...

One or two people are having trouble finishing off mixes (and listening to and enjoying the ones they receive!) within a month. Shall we change it to a new mix every two months, to give everyone a bit more time to make the perfect mix?


  1. Yep, 2 months might make more sense.

  2. I am happy with 2 months also. My CD player doesn't seem to like burned CDs :(

  3. Ok, let's give ourselves a month's extension, and do 2 months from now, 1 month was a bit demanding!

  4. So...although my CD is almost ready, can I post it when I'm next in the UK (in mid-June) because things seem to go missing when I send them from here?

  5. Yes of course!

  6. Mine's only half complete atm- could definitely post mid-june, but I've a deadline on the 8th that's taking up all my time until then!

    Summer sounds like a good theme.. we could even include the option of specifying the time of day as well (this affects my listening preferences quite a lot) - so if people preferred to they could make a mix for summer mornings, or summer afternoons, or summer evenings (or even a 3-part mix dealing with each in turn!)

    OR if summer isn't a popular theme with everyone, how about 'moving house' (something a lot of uni-related people do around this time of year!) . But that can always wait for another time if need be ;)

  7. Ready!
    I can take cds!

  8. So many great theme suggestions! How are we going to decide?!

  9. And Michael, will put you in the mixer for a mix - mid-June should be acceptable!
