Friday, 5 October 2012

TRD #4 swap and TRD#5 theme + BONUS CHRISTMAS TAPE!

Here is who's swapping for TRD #4 - Animals:
Charlie    > Owen
Emily      > Hazel
Hazel       > Matthew
Ian           > Michael
Matthew  > Charlie
Michael   > Emily
Owen       > Ian

The theme for TRD #5 is Space & Time. Expecting some good, bloated proggy shit.

And if anyone would like to make a Christmas tape for an extra tapey present swap in December, get mixing!

We should all probably have one of these:

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Review - TRD #3 (People & Places)

Rosie's double-whammy People & Places mix is so eclectic and comprehensive, it's hard to think of any people or places that are not included.

The artwork also serves as a timely reminder of the existence of Battenburg cake - and yes, it was as tasty as I remembered it being.

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

TRD #3 swap and TRD #4 theme

Who has a mix ready for the 'People & Places' swap? Add your name below and I'll sort out some swapsies.

After much fevered deliberation, it has been decided that the only reasonable choice of theme for TRD #4 is 'Animals'. Should be a good one! Below is a mixtape FOR animals - it's nice and chewy, apparently.

Also add any suggestions for future swaps - I quite fancy 'SPACE'.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Review - TRD #2 Communication (Questions & Answers)

Some beautiful efforts from Ian and Rebecca. Baker Street-tooting Bob Holness looks wonderful.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

What do you think...

One or two people are having trouble finishing off mixes (and listening to and enjoying the ones they receive!) within a month. Shall we change it to a new mix every two months, to give everyone a bit more time to make the perfect mix?

Monday, 30 April 2012

Tape Recorded Delivery #2 swap and #3 theme

It's the end of the month, who has a mix ready?! If everyone with a mix leaves a comment with what format they can make, and what they'd like to receive, I'll put names into a hat and sort out a swap.

PLUS - what should our theme for May be? Suggestions so far include people and places and DANCING. Any preferences or other suggestions? Comment-me-do!

Monday, 23 April 2012

April 2012 - Tape Recorded Delivery #2, Communication (Questions and Answers)

We have a theme for April! The idea is to work songs around questions and answers, but anything to do with communication more broadly would be great!

There will be a blog post at the end of April on which people can comment to say that they want to swap a mix (make sure to say what format you would like!), then  everyone's names will go in a hat, or other hat-like item, so that senders and receivers can be matched up.

Also, feel free to comment on below if you have suggestions for a theme for May's mix #3!